It would have helped, if, you would have stated what O/S, email client, and provider you are asking about. Goto the providers site and look instructions on setting up different email apps. If you overlook one little item, you may receive (or not) mail, but the server may reject your sent mail. Its managed in tools -> options -> general. The new mail notification window is optional, and goes away after a few seconds. ' Under Windows 10 if its minimized to the task bar it stays that way despite displaying a new mail notification window. How to turn off Thunderbird notifications in Windows 10. ' but remembering to keep minimizing Thunderbird is not really on. make sure you have used the proper settings for your email provider (incoming and out going server addresses, ports, pop3, SMTP, SSL and security settings, passwords, log-ins, etc.). Find the best contact information: Email Notification Windows 10. If this is the case you will need to setup your email, again. You are saying you had to Dban your desktop I will assume you wiped your drive and re-installed the O/S and apps. Or, you can try to re-install the email client/app. Look through your email client settings and make your default or, if, you are using Windows. Possibly, whatever he/she used to access their email, that client asked if they wanted to make it default and you are not setup in that to send or receive email.